How to type en-dash and em-dash in Windows 7/8?

If you have a numpad, turn numlock on and use Alt + 0150 for en-dash and Alt + 0151 for em-dash. That is keep Alt pressed and type the numbers on the numeric keypad.

EDIT: As @gronostaj points out, this works with only left Alt.

For anyone looking for a slightly faster (although not-native) solution, I have made an AutoHotKey program that lets you type Em and En dashes somewhat naturally. I really made it for myself, but it's on Github if anyone's interested.

It's called Em-n-en.

The entire point of this program is to allow a user to quickly insert an em/en dash by typing ==- (Em dash) or --= (En dash). There are other methods for inserting the dashes - these are covered in the program itself. Note that this only works on windows.

Hopefully this is helpful! :)

As of Windows 10 Version 1903, you can enter en-dash, em-dash, and various other symbols in a much simpler way using the updated Emoji panel:

Just type Win + . (or Win + ;) and select the omega symbol on the top of the panel.

If you don't want to take your hands off the keyboard, you can select the omega symbol using TAB and arrow keys.