How to turn a list of Tasks into an Observable and process elements as they are completed?

Try this:

  .Select(getFlightPriceTask => getFlightPriceTask.ToObservable())
  .Subscribe(flightPrices => UpdateCheapestFlight(flightPrices))

@Shlomo's answer helped me a lot (using Merge() was the trick!) and I'd like to comment on it and also present an alternative solution.

Commenting Shlomo's solution

This solution is very simple and expresses the elegance of Rx. Only problem is that it cannot be awaited for completion. This typically not a problem in productive code where we would only care about updating a property which is then bound to the UI. The other comment I have is that the calculation is done in Subscribe() - some like to keep the subscriptions super lightweight but I think that's mostly personal preference.

  // Get all tasks and turn them into Observables.
  .Select(getFlightPriceTask => getFlightPriceTask.ToObservable())
  // Merge all tasks (in my case 3) into one "lane". Think of cars trying
  // to leave a three lane highway and going for a one lane exit.
  // For every task "leaving the highway" calculate the minimum price.
  .Subscribe(flightPrices => UpdateCheapestFlight(flightPrices))

Alternative 1: using Do()

This is not using Subscribe() at all which is kind of against the idea of Rx but it can be awaited and therefore behaves like the original version.

await runningTasks
    .Select(getFlightPriceTask => getFlightPriceTask.ToObservable())
    // Process result of each task.
    .Do(flightPrices => UpdateCheapestFlight(flightPrices))
    // Taking all elements will only complete if all three tasks have completed.

Alternative 2: eliminating UpdateCheapestFlight()

Finally, I think a way to do this more Rx style is to not use the original helper method at all and tell an "Rx-story" that is easy to read.

var minFlightPrice = await runningTasks
    // Get all the tasks and turn them into Observables 
    .Select(getFlightPriceTask => getFlightPriceTask.ToObservable())
    // Merge all three into one "lane".
    // Get local minimum value of each airline
    .Select(x => x.Min())
    // Take all the local minimums...
    // ...and find the minimum of them.