How to truncate an expression bit width in Verilog?

You can use another variable, though this is not particularly elegant.

wire[31:0] y;

assign y = func(A) ^ func(B);
assign x = y[15:0];

A better approach would be to use a function.

function [15:0] trunc_32_to_16(input [31:0] val32);
  trunc_32_to_16 = val32[15:0];

assign x = trunc_32_to_16(func(A) ^ func(B));

In your example, you are implicitly truncating bits.

Making the truncation explicit can often remove the warnings in simulation/lint/synthesis.

One way to do this in-line is to use a cast operator, e.g.:

typedef logic [15:0] HALF_WORD;
assign x = HALF_WORD'((func(A) ^ func(B));

This approach may make sense if it is obvious from the context that all the bits being dropped are 0's.

If some of the bits may be nonzero then I would suggest still using an intermediate net like @dwikle suggested in a previous answer, since it makes it more clear that you are actually throwing away bits. Here it is again for reference.

wire[31:0] y;

assign y = func(A) ^ func(B);
assign x = y[15:0];

I think that this might help keep the line count down.

wire [15:0] not_used ;

assign {not_used, x} = (func(A) ^ func(B));

Not sure if that is valid with assigns though.

