How to toggle content in Semantic UI buttons?

The easiest way to get the toggle buttons working without any options etc is the following:


This should toggle between the default grey and green colors on click. See the other answers for more complicated behaviour. Make sure the DOM etc is loaded first as with other semantic UI initializers.

The below code is doing the magic:

semantic.button = {};

// ready event
semantic.button.ready = function() {

  // selector cache
    $buttons = $('.ui.buttons .button'),
    $toggle  = $('.main .ui.toggle.button'),
    $button  = $('.ui.button').not($buttons).not($toggle),
    // alias
    handler = {

      activate: function() {


    .on('click', handler.activate)

      text: {
        inactive : 'Vote',
        active   : 'Voted'


// attach ready event