How to submit a job to a specific node in PBS

You can do it like this:

#PBS -l nodes=<node_name>

You can also specify the number of processors:

#PBS -l nodes=<node_name>:ppn=X

Or you can request additional nodes, specified or unspecified:

#PBS -l nodes=<node_name1>[:ppn=X][+<node_name2...]

That gives you multiple specific nodes.

#PBS -l nodes=<node_name>[:ppn=X][+Y[:ppn=Z]]

This requests the specific node with X execution slots from that node, plus an additional Y nodes with Z execution slots each.

Edit: To simply request a number of nodes and execution slots per node:

PBS -l nodes=X:ppn=Y

NOTE: this is all for TORQUE/Moab. It may or may not work for other PBS resource managers/schedulers.

The above answer doesn't work for PBS Pro. The following works for including a list of nodes (node1 and node2).

#PBS -l select=1:host=node1+1:host=node2

For also including the number of processors,

#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=24:host=node1+1:ncpus=24:host=node2