How to style a HTML label for disabled input

You can also use floats and always put the label after the input Demo

You will have to wrap it in a span (or any other element really).


    <input type='checkbox' disabled id='check1'>
    <label for='check1'>Check</label>
    <input type='text1' id='text1' disabled>
    <label for='check'>Text</label>


span {
    display: inline-block;
    overflow: hidden;

input {
    float: right;

label {
    float: left;

input:disabled {

input + label {
    float: none;

input:disabled + label {

This selector input:disabled+label{color:#ccc;} targets label elements that are placed after an input element that is disabled

In this snippet the label is after a disabled input, so the label element is gray

<input type='checkbox' disabled id='check1'>
<label for='check1'>Check</label>

In this case, the label is before the input so the selector does not apply to it

<label for='text1'>Text</label>
<input type='text' id='text1' disabled>

Possible solution would be to wrap your elements in an extra div and apply a class name to the div, something like this

<div class='disabled'>
    <input type='checkbox' disabled id='check1'>
    <label for='check1'>Check</label>
<div class='disabled'>
    <label for='text1'>Text</label>
    <input type='text' id='text1' disabled>

And then you can write your css like this

.disabled label {
    color: #ccc;

Based on the comment made by @andi:

input:disabled+label means that the label is immediately AFTER the input. In your HTML, the label comes BEFORE the text input. (but there's no CSS for "before".)

He's absolutely right. But that shouldn't stop us being able to solve the problem with a little trickery!

First step: swap the HTML elements order so that the <label> appears after the <input>. This will allow the styling rules to work as desired.

Then for the fun bit: use CSS to position the labels for text inputs on the left hand side!

input:disabled {
  background: #dddddd;

input:disabled+label {
  color: #ccc;

input[type=text]+label {
  float: left;
<input type="checkbox" disabled="disabled" id="check1">
<label for="check1">Check</label>
<br />
<input type="text" id="text1" disabled="disabled">
<label for="text1">Text</label>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="check2">
<label for="check2">Check</label>
<br />
<input type="text" id="text2">
<label for="text2">Text</label>


