How to store user session in AngularJS?

You can use


An AngularJS module that makes Web Storage working in the Angular Way. Contains two services: $localStorage and $sessionStorage.

Differences with Other Implementations

No Getter 'n' Setter Bullshit - Right from AngularJS homepage: "Unlike other frameworks, there is no need to [...] wrap the model in accessors methods. Just plain old JavaScript here." Now you can enjoy the same benefit while achieving data persistence with Web Storage.

sessionStorage - We got this often-overlooked buddy covered.

Cleanly-Authored Code - Written in the Angular Way, well-structured with testability in mind.

No Cookie Fallback - With Web Storage being readily available in all the browsers AngularJS officially supports, such fallback is largely redundant.

A sample example is shown below

Working Demo

var eS = angular.module('exampleStore', ['localStorage']);

You need to create an api on your server to collect current user. This api must return the same user object as the one you have after you logged in.

For every $route.path you want to secure inside $routeProvider, call this api in the controller using ng-init. If the api returns an object, add the object to your $rootScope, otherwise, force user to the login page.

$rootScope will always reset when the page refreshes, since it's a single-page app.

You need to use something that persists client-side, such as a cookie or sessionStorage (as they both have an expiration time). Take a look at the documentation for $cookieStore:$cookieStore

Remember, sensitive session information should be encrypted.