How to store python dictionary in to mysql DB through python

Change your code as below:

dic = {'office': {'component_office': ['Word2010SP0', 'PowerPoint2010SP0']}}
d = str(dic)

# Sql query
sql = """INSERT INTO ep_soft(ip_address, soft_data) VALUES (%r, %r)""" % ("", d )   

First of all, don't ever construct raw SQL queries like that. Never ever. This is what parametrized queries are for. You've asking for an SQL injection attack.

If you want to store arbitrary data, as for example Python dictionaries, you should serialize that data. JSON would be good choice for the format.

Overall your code should look like this:

import MySQLdb
import json

db = MySQLdb.connect(...)    
cursor = db.cursor() 

dic = {'office': {'component_office': ['Word2010SP0', 'PowerPoint2010SP0']}}
sql = "INSERT INTO ep_soft(ip_address, soft_data) VALUES (%s, %s)"

cursor.execute(sql, ("", json.dumps(dic)))