How to stop kubectl proxy

Run this command to figure out the process id (pid):

netstat -tulp | grep kubectl 

Then run sudo kill -9 <pid> to kill the process.

I believe the "kubectl way" is to not background the proxy at all as it is intended to be a short running process to access the API on your local machine without further authentication.

There is no way to stop it other than kill or ^C (if not in background).

You can use standard shell tricks though, so executing fg then ^C will work or kill %1

Depending on the platform you could wrap the proxy in service / daemon, but seems like overkill I would just add aliases or functions to start and source them in your terminal/shell profile to make it easier.


kubectl-proxy-start() {
    kubectl proxy &

kubectl-proxy-kill() {
    pkill -9 -f "kubectl proxy"

ps -ef | grep "kubectl proxy"

will show you the PID of the process

Then you can stop it with

kill -9 <pid>