How to split a dataframe by unique groups and save to a csv

You can obtain the unique values calling unique, iterate over this, build the filename and write this out to csv:

genes = df['Gene'].unique()
for gene in genes:
    outfilename = gene + '.pdf'
    df[df['Gene'] == gene].to_csv(outfilename)

A more pandas-thonic method is to groupby on 'Gene' and then iterate over the groups:

gp = df.groupby('Gene')
# groups() returns a dict with 'Gene':indices as k:v pair
for g in gp.groups.items():
    chr  start  end   Gene  Value  MoreData
0  chr1    123  123  HAPPY   41.1       3.4
1  chr1    125  129  HAPPY   45.9       4.5
2  chr1    140  145  HAPPY   39.3       4.1
    chr  start  end Gene  Value  MoreData
3  chr1    342  355  SAD   34.2       9.0
4  chr1    360  361  SAD   44.3       8.1
5  chr1    390  399  SAD   29.0       7.2
6  chr1    400  411  SAD   35.6       6.5
    chr  start  end Gene  Value  MoreData
7  chr1    462  470  LEG     20       2.7