How to specify upload directory in multer-S3 for AWS-S3 bucket?

S3 doesn't always have folders (see It will simulate folders by adding a strings separated by / to your filename.


key: function(request, file, ab_callback) {
    var newFileName = + "-" + file.originalname;
    var fullPath = 'firstpart/secondpart/'+ newFileName;
    ab_callback(null, fullPath);

My solution to dynamic destination path. Hope this helps somebody!

const fileUpload = function upload(destinationPath) {
  return multer({
    fileFilter: (req, file, cb) => {
      const isValid = !!MIME_TYPE_MAP[file.mimetype];
      let error = isValid ? null : new Error("Invalid mime type!");
      cb(error, isValid);
    storage: multerS3({
      limits: 500000,
      acl: "public-read",
      bucket: YOUR_BUCKET_NAME,
      contentType: multerS3.AUTO_CONTENT_TYPE,
      metadata: function (req, file, cb) {
        cb(null, { fieldName: file.fieldname });
      key: function (req, file, cb) {
        cb(null, destinationPath + "/" + file.originalname);

module.exports = fileUpload;

How to call:


"profile image" is the key for the file passed in the body.
"user" is path to the destination folder. You can pass any path, consisting of folder and sub folders. So this puts my file in a folder called "user" inside my bucket.