How to simulate anchor link click

The jQuery method completely ignores href:

$('#google_link').click(); // ignores href!

The native DOM method does the right thing:


This works regardless of whether the href is a URL, a fragment (e.g. #blah) or even a javascript:.

If you use jQuery and the native DOM, the anchor can be clicked

// insert an <a> into document and click it **natively**
// (.get(0) returns the DOM element)
$('<a id="fred99" />').attr('href', '#david').attr('target', '_blank')

// now we've clicked, tidy up

Make sure you have your jQuery code wrapped in a ready block like so

$(document).ready(function(){/* your code here */});

This ensures scripts are fired after all the content and images are loaded.

Looks like your $("google_link_proxy") selector is off. Try $("#google_link_proxy").

You also need to close the observe call with }).

Those are the syntax errors with the code above though I don't think those functions are provided in jQuery by default.

Here is what I think you're after:



