How to show quoted command list?

On Linux, you can get a slightly more raw list of args to a command from /proc/$pid/cmdline for a given process id. The args are separated by the nul char. Try cat -v /proc/$pid/cmdline to see the nuls as ^@, in your case: xss-lock^@--notifier=notify-send -- 'foo bar'^@slock^@.

The following perl script can read the proc file and replace the nuls by a newline and tab giving for your example:

    --notifier=notify-send -- 'foo bar'

Alternatively, you can get a requoted command like this:

xss-lock '--notifier=notify-send -- '\''foo bar'\''' 'slock' 

if you replace the if(1) by if(0):

perl -e '
  $_ = <STDIN>;
      s/\t$//; # remove last added tab
      s/'\''/'\''\\'\'\''/g;  # escape all single quotes
      s/\000/ '\''/;          # do first nul
      s/(.*)\000/\1'\''/;     # do last nul
      s/\000/'"' '"'/g;       # all other nuls
  print "$_\n";
' </proc/$pid/cmdline 

As meuh noted, you can get the string on Linux and NetBSD from /proc/PID/cmdline with arguments delimited by NUL bytes. Here is a quick and dirty way to transform them into runnable command-lines.

perl -ne 'print join(" ", map quotemeta, split(/\000/)), "\n"' /proc/.../cmdline

The output looks like:

xss\-lock \-\-notifier\=notify\-send\ \-\-\ \'foo\ bar\' slock

You can directly copypaste it to your shell to run it.

Shorter variant (requires Perl 5.10 or newer):

perl -nE '$, = " "; say map quotemeta, split /\0/' /proc/.../cmdline

And while I'm at it, a golfed version (40 bytes):

perl -nE'$,=" ";say map"\Q$_",split/\0/' /proc/.../cmdline