How to show off TeX skills with a TeX-typeset CV?

I liked the idea of a CV being, literally, a chronological order of events / experiences. So I spent some time modifying to do what I wanted; provide a Gantt chart-like narrative to the CV showing time and sequence in a single entity.

TimeLine CV

This just builds on moderntimeline, adding tick marks for years, adjusting placements etc. All in tikz.

But I've had more than one person ask me how I did this in Word...

I'm planning on issuing a pull request to moderntimeline to bring in some of my changes.

State your revolutionary skills in TeX or otherwise in words and have a nicely photoshopped photo. Use a nice blend of colours to match the photo. Wear a tie in the photo. Get a bit of humour in the text if you can..."was bored with the class and spend the evenings contributing to Open Source Projects..."

enter image description here

I would say :

  • Add hyperlinks, mailto links, etc. This brings some interactivity in your cv.
  • Use utf8-symbols for the phone, the mail, the webpage, etc. Chose them wisely and be consistent.
  • Display a nice bibliography, if you have any publication. It is not that obvious : be consistent regarding the abbreviations, the chosen language, the name of the journals / conferences, add doi (with hyperlinks). This shows a rigor in the treatment of your .bib file.
  • If you are bold enough and have some free space, add a nice figure that synthesizes some information hard to express with words. An attempt I recently made to describe the subjects of my talks : An example of a figure
  • Be consistent and elegant with your margins. It is a typographic skill that is hard to transfer to LaTeX, and testify for your TeX skills.
  • Use few colors and few fonts, and be confident with them.
  • Maybe the most important : make a .tex file that is easy to update and portable. Do not re-do your CV every time you want to add/remove some information.

The best TeX skill is in my opinion to be able to produce an elegant and sober document that do not show off, and that is easy to update and translate.


