How to show currently mapped drives in PowerShell?

In PowerShell 5 (Windows 10) and above, use:


On the assumption that you do not wish to exclude drives that point to the local filesystem, I believe that

Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Select-Object name, @{n="Root"; e={if ($_.DisplayRoot -eq $null) {$_.Root} else {$_.DisplayRoot}}}

will serve your need. If you do wish to exclude drives that point to the local filesystem, you may find

Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | Select-Object Name, DisplayRoot | Where-Object {$_.DisplayRoot -ne $null}

to be more to your liking.

TryNET USE command from Powershell

Ok. net use worked. I can swear I tried that before and it did not work. I think this is because I was trying to map a network drive last time I used net use. – Kolob Canyon