How to setTimeout on async await call node

Actually, I have a pretty standard chunk of code that I use to do that:

function PromiseTimeout(delayms) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        setTimeout(resolve, delayms);


await PromiseTimeout(1000);

If you're using Bluebird promises, then it's built in as Promise.timeout.

More to your problem: Have you checked API docs? Some APIs tell you how much you have to wait before next request. Or allow downloading data in larger bulk.

You can use a simple little function that returns a promise that resolves after a delay:

function delay(t, val) {
   return new Promise(function(resolve) {
       setTimeout(function() {
       }, t);

And, then await that inside your loop:

exports.getProducts = async (req, res) => {
  let request;
  for (let id of productids) {
    request = await getProduct(id);
    await delay(5000);

Note: I also switched your for loop to use for/of which is not required, but is a bit cleaner than what you had.

Or, in modern versions of nodejs, you can use timersPromises.setTimeout() which is a built-in timer that returns a promise (as of nodejs v15):

const setTimeoutP = require('timers/promises').setTimeout;

exports.getProducts = async (req, res) => {
  let request;
  for (let id of productids) {
    request = await getProduct(id);
    await setTimeoutP(5000);