How to set Validator to required if visible?

In your case, you would create a global validator. Something like this:

this.form ={
  user: ['', Validators.required],
  role: ['']
}, { validator: (group) => {
  if (group.controls.user.value !== 'Admin') {
    return Validators.required((group.controls.role);
  return null;

In this case, the form is valid (this.form.valid === true) in the following case:

  • user is not empty, is different of Admin and the role isn't empty
  • user is Admin

See this plunkr:

See this question for more details:

  • Cross field validation in Angular2

You can use the disable() and enable() functions. When a form control is disabled, validation is not applied to that control.


with in template it can be done this way -

<input [(ngModel)]="page.headerImageWidth" [required]="page.isHeaderAvailable">