How to set superscript footnote mark in the text body but normalsized in the foot?

Use the scrextend package (part of KOMA-script) to customize footnotes. See section 3.14 of the documentation of KOMA-script for details about the \deffootnote macro.







I already had a solution for this problem, which I managed to come up by trial and error... I just didn't know if it was the best way to do it:

  \parindent 0em
  \hb@xt@ 1.8em{\hss %  There's the option of putting \hss before
  \@thefnmark. }%       or after \@thefnmark, aligning the footnote
  #1}%                  marks to the right or to the left, respectively

I tried to look at the definition of \deffootnote in scrextend.sty, but it seems to be much more complicated than that...

Anyway, the solution proposed by @lockstep is much simpler than this, although this one might be useful for class authors. Hope it helps.

This is a TeX approach, with doesn't need a package. I use it always. Maybe the code can be improved:





