How to set spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding to true in a Spring boot 2.1.0 starter configuration

Spring Boot's ErrorAttributes bean is defined by ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration. It is annotated with @ConditionalOnMissingBean so it will back off if an ErrorAttributes bean has already been defined. As the bean defined by your ErrorsConfig class is attempting to override Boot's ErrorAttributes bean rather than causing it to back off, your ErrorsConfig class must be getting processed after Boot's ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration class. This means that you have an ordering problem in your starter.

The order in which auto-configuration classes are processed can be controlled using @AutoConfigureBefore and @AutoConfigureAfter. Assuming that ErrorsConfig is itself an auto-configuration class registered in spring.factories, you can fix your problem by annotating it with @AutoConfigureBefore(ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration.class). With this change in place ErrorsConfig will define its ErrorAttributes bean before ErrorMvcAutoConfiguration attempts to do so which will cause the auto-configuration of Boot's ErrorsAttribute bean to back off.

you can paste this command"spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true" in the workspace/project/src/main/resources/applicationproperties edit the file and paste the command and run your project in debug mode.