How to set rate limit for each user in Spring Boot?

Spring does not have rate-limiting out of the box.

There is bucket4j-spring-boot-starter project which uses bucket4j library with token-bucket algorithm to rate-limit access to the REST api. You can configure it via application properties file. There is an option to limit the access based on IP address or username.

As an example simple setup which allows a maximum of 5 requests within 10 seconds independently from the user:

  enabled: true
  - cache-name: buckets
    url: .*
    - bandwidths:
      - capacity: 5
    time: 10
    unit: seconds

If you are using Netflix Zuul you could use Spring Cloud Zuul RateLimit which uses different storage options: Consul, Redis, Spring Data and Bucket4j.

Here is a solution for those who seek to throttle the requests per second for each user (ip address). This solution requires the Caffeine library which is a java 1.8+ rewrite of Google's Guava library. You are going to use the LoadingCache class for storing the request counts and client ip addresses. You will also be needing the javax.servlet-api dependency because you will want to use a servlet filter where the request counting takes place. Heres the code:

import javax.servlet.Filter;

public class requestThrottleFilter implements Filter {

    private int MAX_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND = 5; //or whatever you want it to be

    private LoadingCache<String, Integer> requestCountsPerIpAddress;

    public requestThrottleFilter(){
      requestCountsPerIpAddress = Caffeine.newBuilder().
            expireAfterWrite(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build(new CacheLoader<String, Integer>() {
        public Integer load(String key) {
            return 0;

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {


    public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain)
            throws IOException, ServletException {
        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
        HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse = (HttpServletResponse) servletResponse;
        String clientIpAddress = getClientIP((HttpServletRequest) servletRequest);
          httpServletResponse.getWriter().write("Too many requests");

        filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);

    private boolean isMaximumRequestsPerSecondExceeded(String clientIpAddress){
      Integer requests = 0;
      requests = requestCountsPerIpAddress.get(clientIpAddress);
      if(requests != null){
          if(requests > MAX_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND) {
            requestCountsPerIpAddress.put(clientIpAddress, requests);
            return true;

      } else {
        requests = 0;
      requestCountsPerIpAddress.put(clientIpAddress, requests);
      return false;

    public String getClientIP(HttpServletRequest request) {
        String xfHeader = request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-For");
        if (xfHeader == null){
            return request.getRemoteAddr();
        return xfHeader.split(",")[0]; // voor als ie achter een proxy zit

    public void destroy() {


So what this basically does is it stores all request making ip addresses in a LoadingCache. This is like a special map in which each entry has an expiration time. In the constructor the expiration time is set to 1 second. That means that on the first request an ip address plus its request count is only stored in the LoadingCache for one second. It is automatically removed from the map on expiration. If during that second more requests are coming from the ip address then the isMaximumRequestsPerSecondExceeded(String clientIpAddress) will add those requests to the total request count but before that checks whether the maximum request amount per second has already been exceeded. If thats the case it returns true and the filter returns an error response with statuscode 429 which stands for Too many requests.

This way only a set amount of requests can be made per user per second.

Here is the Caffeine dependency to add to your pom.xml


Please note the <exclusion> part. I am using log4j2 as a logger library instead of Spring's default logback library. If you are using logback then you should remove the <exclusion> part from these POM dependency or logging will not be enabled for this library.

EDIT: Make sure you let Spring do a component scan on the package where you have your Filter saved or else the Filter won't work. Also, because it is annotated with @Component the filter will work for all endpoints by default (/*).

If spring detected your filter you should see something like this in the log during startup.

o.s.b.w.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean : Mapping filter:'requestThrottleFilter' to: [/*]

EDIT 19-01-2022:

I've noticed that my initial solution has one drawback when it comes to blocking too many requests and i've changed the code because of it. I'll first explain why.

Consider a user can make 3 requests per second. Lets imagine that within a given second the user makes the first request during the first 200 milliseconds of that second. This causes an entry for that user to be added to requestCountsPerIpAddress and entry will automatically expire after one second. Now consider that this same user makes 4 successive requests only in the final 100 milliseconds before the second elapses and the entry is deleted. That means that the user effectively only gets blocked for a mere 100 milliseconds at maximum on the fourth request attempt. After those 100 milliseconds pass he'll be able to immediately make three new requests.

As a consequence of this he is also able to make 5 requests within a second instead of 3. This can happen when there is atleast a 500 millisecond delay between the first request (which creates the entry in the LoadingCache) and the next two requests (both made in the last 500 milliseconds before the current entry expires). if the user then immediately makes 3 requests right after the entry expired he will effectively manage to make 5 requests within a timespan of 1 second, whereas only 3 are allowed (2 made during the last 500 ms before the previous entry expired + 3 made during the first 500ms of the new one). So that's not a very efficient way to throttle the requests.

I've changed the library to caffeine because there are some deadlock issues with guava library. If you want to keep using guava library itself you should add this line requestCountsPerIpAddress.asMap().remove(clientIpAddress); right under if(requests > MAX_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND) { in the code. What this basically does is remove the current entry for the ip address. Then on the next line it gets added again which resets the expiry time back to one whole second for that entry.

This has the effect that anyone who just keeps spamming the REST endpoint with requests will indefinitely get a 409 response back until the user stops sending requests for one second after his last request.

You don't have that component in Spring.

  • You can build it as part of your solution. Create a filter and register it in your spring context. The filter should check incoming call and count the incoming requests per user during a time window. I would use the token bucket algorithm as it is the most flexible.
  • You can build some component that is independent of your current solution. Create an API Gateway that does the job. You could extend Zuul gateway and, again, use the token bucket algorithm.
  • You can use an already built-in component, like Mulesoft ESB that can act as API gateway and supports rate limiting and throttling. Never used it myself.
  • And finally, you can use an API Manager that has rate limiting and throttling and much more. Checkout MuleSoft, WSO2, 3Scale,Kong, etc... (most will have a cost, some are open source and have a community edition).