How to set multiline RSA private key environment variable for AWS Elastic Beans

You could set it in EB using \n and then convert the '\n' to newlines before you pass it to config.key - something like this (note the single and double quotes in the call to gsub):

single_line_key = ENV.fetch('CLOUDFRONT_KEY')
multi_line_key = single_line_key.gsub('\n', "\n")
config.key = multi_line_key

You can transform your private key in a base64, then you store that base64 as environment variable. When needed you decode this variable.

in unix:

$ base64 path/to/your/private_key_file

in your application:

def private_key

In I had the same problem with Golang and the elastic beanstalk, I did this went to AWS console and set the value like this:

-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nSpvpksXQIBA65ICOgQxV2TvMIICAiMeV9prhdJSKjjsk2\ntYdz8lhn/ibROQW71utuHLAyHGMBxz3kIaaIq1kjdkkk\ntYdz8lhn/ibROQW71utuHLAyHGMBxz3kIaaIq1kjdkkk\ntYdz8lhn/ibROQW71utuHLAyHGMBxz3kIaaIq1kjdkkk\ntYdz8lhn/ibROQW71utuHLAyHGMBxz3kIaaIq1kjdkkk\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----  

inside my code

key := os.Getenv("PUSH_AUTH_KEY")
key = strings.Replace(key, `\n`, "\n", 5)