How to set `killSoftly` for a specific Jenkins job?

It is not possible to select a job-specific value for SoftKillWaitSeconds (the value is derived from the Jenkins core at a point where the job name is not known).

My recommendation is to fix the abort handling in your job itself, so it will not depend on a "soft kill timeout". If you're running on a Unix-ish system, you can ensure this by running your job in a new process group (set -m in bash) and (for example) setting up a proper exit trap.

We are using the Build-timeout plugin to kill stuck jobs with timeout strategy set to No Activity or Absolute. For me, this is a good approach when you are using freestyle projects. The reason why your build is "Aborted after 0 seconds" is that most likely there are unfinished child processes. From documentation:

Because Java only allows threads to be interrupted at a set of fixed locations, depending on how a build hangs, the abort operation might not take effect. For example,

  • if Jenkins is waiting for child processes to complete, it can abort right away.
  • if Jenkins is stuck in an infinite loop, it can never be aborted.
  • if Jenkins is doing a network or file I/O within the Java VM (such as lengthy file copy or SVN update), it cannot be aborted.

You could try the absolute timeout strategy. You can define a global variable, so that you do not repeat the timeout value in jobs:

  1. Go to "Manage Jenkins" > "Configure System".
  2. Check "Environment variables" in "Global properties".
  3. Add an environment variable name="GLOBAL_TIMEOUT_MINUTES" value="20".
  4. Go to a configuration page of a project.
  5. Check "Abort the build if it's stuck" in "Build Environment".
  6. Select "Absolute" for "Time-out strategy". Of course, also applicable to other strategies.
  7. Set "${GLOBAL_TIMEOUT_MINUTES}" for "Timeout".
  8. Set timeout action "Abort the build".

If this is not working, you could try to look in the logs https://your-jenkins-server/log or in a thread dump.
The hanging may be caused by new/old version of a plugin. Try to find what are the unfinished child processes. Try to disable post-build actions one by one to find the one that may be the cause of the issue. You can see