How to set breakpoint at the very beginning of program execution

You can do this by adding a registry key to "Image File Execution Options" with the name of your exe. Add a value of type string named "Debugger" and set it to vsjitdebugger.exe to launch the just-in-time debugger dialog. Which then lets you pick one of the available debuggers, including Visual Studio. This dialog is triggered right after Windows has loaded the EXE, before any code starts running.

Here's is a sample .reg file that triggers the dialog when you start notepad.exe. Modify the key name to your .exe:


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe]

Using Gflags and WinDbg, you can automatically attach to your target application, and set a break point BEFORE any DLLs are loaded.

To do this, you will need the "Debugging Tools for Windows" installed. You can get that for free from Microsoft. It includes GFlags and WinDbg. You can find it at:

Use GFlags to set the automatic debug options on your target program. This is the easiest way to set your system to start a debugger that will automatically be started up when the target application starts. No need to fool around with the registry, it will make all the necessary changes for you.

Use GFlags to set WinDbg to be started as the debugger. Change the Event Filters for WinDbg on the event "Create process" from "Ignore" to "Enabled". By default, WinDbg does not break on the process creation of your target. But if you need or want it to set a break point on create process, you can by changing this event option. The easiest way to change this option is let WinDbg start up on your application, use its GUI to change the option through the "DEBUG|Event Filters..." menu item and its dialog, save your workspace and stop debbuging. Then begin whatever leads to your target application starting, and from that time on for that particular debug target, WinDbg will break on "Create Process".

There are other ways to set this option automatically in WindDbg, but they aren't quite as easy as using its GUI. You can set the command line options for its invocation to enable the Create Process event. You can have WinDbg run a script file that will set the option for you. You can set WinDbg's TOOLS environment variable to point it to its "Tools.ini" file, and enable the create process event there. And there's a couple more methods to set the event option to enable a break point on Create Process.

The link above includes links for Debugging help with GFlags and WinDbg.

For most debugging needs, developers don't need or want a break point at process creation (before all the normal, basic dlls necessary to run are loaded). But if you do, WinDbg and several other free debuggers provided by Microsoft can do it. You just need to change the default for that event from ignored to enabled.