How to separate initial data load from incremental children with Firebase?

Since child_added events for the initial, pre-loaded data will fire before the value event fires on the parent, you can use the value event as a sort of "initial data loaded" notification. Here is some code I slightly modified from another similar StackOverflow question.

var initialDataLoaded = false;
var ref = new Firebase('https://<your-Firebase>');

ref.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
  if (initialDataLoaded) {
    var msg = snapshot.val().msg;
    // do something here
  } else {
    // we are ignoring this child since it is pre-existing data

ref.once('value', function(snapshot) {
  initialDataLoaded = true;

Thankfully, Firebase will smartly cache this data, meaning that creating both a child_added and a value listener will only download the data one time. Adding new Firebase listeners for data which has already crossed the wire is extremely cheap and you should feel comfortable doing things like that regularly.

If you are worried about downloading all that initial data when you don't actually need it, I would follow @FrankvanPuffelen's suggestions in the comments to use a timestamped query. This works really well and is optimized using Firebase queries.

Added a createdAt timestamp in the database and limited the child_added with the current time and it seems working fine to me.

const onChildAdded = database()
  .on('child_added', (snapshot) => {

  .once('value', (snapshot) => {