how to select the object with the largest area?

use Area and PixelIdxList in regionprops, this means to edit the to the following line:

stat = regionprops(Ilabel,'Centroid','Area','PixelIdxList');

The maximum area and it's struct index is given by

[maxValue,index] = max([stat.Area]);

The linear index of pixels of each area is given by `stat.PixelIdxList', you can use them to delete that given area (I assume this means to assign zeros to it)


For Neglecting all others except one..
Similar to the above answer. But instead of deleting the large region, I delete all regions except large one.

[maxValue,index] = max([stat.Area]);
[rw col]=size(stat);
for i=1:rw
    if (i~=index)
       BW(stat(i).PixelIdxList)=0; % Remove all small regions except large area index