How to search inside a specific block of code in IntelliJ IDEA?

Go to Settings | Keymap, search for the Find... action in the Other group. This action should have the following description:

Find a string in active editor, shows modal dialog

Assign a keyboard shortcut to this action (you need to make a copy of default keymap to modify it), for example Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F.

When in editor, select any block of text, then press this shortcut, a dialog will open with the Scope automatically set to Selected text:

Find Text

To quickly select the method body while standing on the opening curly brace use Ctrl+W.

First select some text and press ctrl+R to open the dialog, then check the "in selection" option :

enter image description here

As of 2020, I'm able to perform find in selection on PhpStorm

  • Select the block of text and hit Cmd + F on MacOS / Ctrl + F on other platforms
  • On the find toolbar (that appears on top) there's an In Selection button; use that to limit search scope to the selected text only

enter image description here

Here's the link to my original answer on JetBrains support forums

I'm using

PhpStorm 2020.1.2
Build #PS-201.7846.90, built on June 3, 2020