How to scan local network for SSH-able computers?

Solution 1:

From the command line you could use:

sudo nmap -sS -p 22

Substitute for the local address space on your network. I sometimes use this when I plug in a headless rasberry pi and want to find where to ssh to.

Solution 2:

nmap -p 22 --open -sV

Solution 3:

Use "nmap" - this will tell you which hosts are up on a network, and indeed which have port 22 open. You could combine it with a few other tools (like grep) to produce more targeted output if need be.

Note: do this only on YOUR network. Running up nmap or its equivalents on someone else's network is considered bad form.

sudo nmap -p 22

Solution 4:

You can manually telnet each ip at port 22.

If successful you should see the OpenSSH version string.

The process of checking each ip in the subnet can be done by means of the 'for' directive.



