How to save Word documents as HTML to be viewed in Firefox

When using Word Save As Web Page(htm html), just prior to clicking Save, notice the "Tools" drop down to the left of the Save button. Go into this drop down, click the Web Options. In the options box that comes up, UNCHECK the box labeled "Rely on VML..." This worked great for me. Good luck.

I have a hack that involves modifying HTML code directly. I am using MS-Office 2007 and FF 10.0.4.

The trick is to remove the <v:imagedata src = ...> crud that Word generates when you save a file into HTML and replace that with the standard <img src = ...>. The former (imagedata ...) can only be rendered by IE while the latter is standard and can be handled by all browsers.


Remove the following -

<span style='mso-no-proof:yes'><v:shape id="Picture_x0020_2" o:spid="_x0000_i1026"
 type="#_x0000_t75" style='width:282.75pt;height:207.75pt;visibility:visible;
 <v:imagedata src="dcsl_overview_files/image006.png" o:title=""/>
</v:shape> </span>


<img src="dcsl_overview_files/image006.png" alt="overview figure">

I encountered the same issue. It seems that for some reasons Word does export regular HTML for some documents.

Usually Word exports graphics with two codes: a special one for rendering in IE, and regular HTML for the other browsers.

The code looks like below (I removed a lot of the code for readability)

<p ...><span ...><!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype...>
 [code for IE]
<v:shape id="Picture_x0020_2" ... alt="...png" ...>
 <v:imagedata src="...docx_files/image001.png".../>
<![if !vml]><img width=169 height=119
src="..."... ><![endif]></span></p>

Notice the conditional?

<!--[if gte vml 1]> IE Code <![endif]--> <![if !vml]> Non IE HTML <![endif]>

For some documents I see that Word stops being bilingual and exports only the IE part.

I do not have the solution for these cases yet. Still investigating