How to save the contents of a div as a image?

There are several of this same question (1, 2). One way of doing it is using canvas. Here's a working solution. Here you can see some working examples of using this library.

Do something like this:

A <div> with ID of #imageDIV, another one with ID #download and a hidden <div> with ID #previewImage.

Include the latest version of jquery, and jspdf.debug.js from the jspdf CDN

Then add this script:

var element = $("#imageDIV"); // global variable
var getCanvas; // global variable
  html2canvas(element, {
    onrendered: function (canvas) {
      getCanvas = canvas;
$("#download").on('click', function () {
  var imgageData = getCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
  // Now browser starts downloading it instead of just showing it
  var newData = imageData.replace(/^data:image\/png/, "data:application/octet-stream");
  $("#download").attr("download", "image.png").attr("href", newData);

The div will be saved as a PNG on clicking the #download