How to run commands in batch mode over ssh?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be wanting to run regular shell commands on the remote server where the script is local.

trap "rm -f /tmp/sendonssh.$$.*" 0 1 2 3 15
# commands to run on the remote server
cat <<'EOF' >> /tmp/sendonssh.$$.sh
mkdir -p /tmp/foobar.$$
mv $HOME/xyzzy /tmp/foobar.$$
chmod 640 $HOME/xyzzy
# call for each argument
for userhost in "$@"; do
    errorout=`ssh -aTxo BatchMode=yes $userhost /bin/sh -s < /tmp/sendonssh.$$.sh 2>&1`
    if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "Error: $userhost: $errorout"
        exit $rc

I do this with some 'remote execution' apps in my test environment using Python instead of the shell: ssh $userhost python < $pythonscriptfilename.

The SSH equivalent of sftp -b <filename> <hostname> would be:

ssh -o BatchMode=yes <hostname> sh -s < "<filename>"

How about to keep it simple and run the "batch" file on the other computer?

  1. scp batch-file user@pc
  2. ssh user@pc batch-file
  3. ssh user@pc rm batch-file

And the batch file would be a normal shell script so the syntax is well known.