How to run batch file command with elevated permissions?

You can take advantage of PowerShell, which is present on every modern Windows system.

Split the commands that need elevation off into a separate batch file, e.g. elevated.bat. Then, when it's time to run them, use this from your non-elevated script:

powershell -command "Start-Process elevated.bat -Verb runas"

The -Verb runas part is what causes the elevation prompt. If the original batch file is already running as admin, or if UAC prompts are off, the new file will be elevated without a prompt.

Note that the elevated batch processor's current directory will start out as System32. If that's a problem, you can use this alternate version to have it start in the same directory as the non-elevated script:

powershell -command "Start-Process cmd -ArgumentList '/c cd /d %CD% && elevated.bat' -Verb runas"

That causes the new cmd instance to first cd into the directory provided by the unelevated prompt's %CD% variable, then execute the desired batch file.