How to run a function multiple times and write the results to a list?

Combination of above answer, comment, and my own answer. Naturally, I like mine better. Also, I think there is a mistake in the above answer for base R.

n <- 10

# give 1 to gen_mat n-times
lapply(rep(1, n), gen_mat)

# replicate n-times 
replicate(n, gen_mat(1), simplify=FALSE)

# lapply returns error if FUN is not function or 
# the function is not taking an argument. Hence a dummy function.
lapply(seq_len(n), function(x) gen_mat(1))

microbenchmarking the three methods

I used a larger value for n, but the results are similar in my desktop with smaller n as well. For this, replicate takes longer than the other two methods.

gen_mat <- function(x) matrix(c(1, 1, 1, x + rnorm(1)), nrow = 2)
n <- 1000 


mb <- microbenchmark(
  lap1 = {lapply(rep(1, n), gen_mat)},
  repl = {replicate(n, gen_mat(1), simplify=FALSE)},
  lap2 = {lapply(seq_len(n), function(x) gen_mat(1))},
  times = 10000L

# Unit: milliseconds
# expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval cld
# lap1 2.839435 3.494157 4.806954 3.854269 5.611413 103.0111 10000  a 
# repl 3.091829 3.777199 5.140789 4.165856 6.013591 101.4318 10000   b
# lap2 3.131491 3.761274 5.089170 4.140316 5.939075 101.1983 10000   b


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base R

n <- 10
lapply(seq_len(n), gen_mat(1))

purrr package

map(seq_len(n), ~gen_mat(1))