How to round up a number to nearest 10?

I was actually searching for a function that could round to the nearest variable, and this page kept coming up in my searches. So when I finally ended up writing the function myself, I thought I would post it here for others to find.

The function will round to the nearest variable:

function roundToTheNearestAnything($value, $roundTo)
    $mod = $value%$roundTo;
    return $value+($mod<($roundTo/2)?-$mod:$roundTo-$mod);

This code:

echo roundToTheNearestAnything(1234, 10).'<br>';
echo roundToTheNearestAnything(1234, 5).'<br>';
echo roundToTheNearestAnything(1234, 15).'<br>';
echo roundToTheNearestAnything(1234, 167).'<br>';

Will output:


floor() will go down.

ceil() will go up.

round() will go to nearest by default.

Divide by 10, do the ceil, then multiply by 10 to reduce the significant digits.

$number = ceil($input / 10) * 10;

Edit: I've been doing it this way for so long.. but TallGreenTree's answer is cleaner.

round($number, -1);

This will round $number to the nearest 10. You can also pass a third variable if necessary to change the rounding mode.

More info here:


