How to return one and only one value from a PowerShell function?

Don't use echo to write information, use Write-Host, Write-Verbose or Write-Debug depending on the message.

Echo is an alias for Write-Output which will send it as an Object through the pipeline. Write-Host/Verbose/Debug however is only console-messages.

PS P:\> alias echo

CommandType Name                 ModuleName
----------- ----                 ----------
Alias       echo -> Write-Output               


function test {
    Write-Host calc
    return 11

$t = test
"Objects returned: $($t.count)"

Objects returned: 1

Also, if you return the value on the last line in your function, then you don't need to use return. Writing the Object/value by itself is enough.

function test {
    Write-Host calc

The difference is that return 11 would skip the lines after it you use it in the middle of a function.

function test {
    return 11



You can also just assign everything to null, and then return just the variable you want:

Function TestReturn {

    $Null = @(
        Write-Output "Hi there!"
        1 + 1
        $ReturnVar = 5
    return $ReturnVar

Several answers already given do not fully answer your question because they do not account for other cmdlets you might call--as you point out--that might "pollute" your output. The answer from @Laezylion is essentially correct but I believe bears further elaboration.

It is clear that you appreciate that your current workaround--forcing every function to return an array then taking the last element--is not a very robust solution. (In fact, I think it is safe to call that a kludge. :-) The correct approach--and a direct answer to your question--is clear... though at first glance it sounds like a tautology:

Question: How do you ensure a function returns only one thing?
Answer: By ensuring that it returns only one thing.

Let me elucidate. There are really two kinds of functions/cmdlets in PowerShell: (A) those that return data and (B) those that do not return data but may instead report progress or diagnostic messages. Problems arise, as you have seen, when you try to mix the two. And this may easily happen inadvertently. Thus, it is your responsibility, as the function author, to understand each function/cmdlet call within your function: specifically, does it return anything, be it a true return value or just diagnostic output? You are expecting output from type A functions, but you need to be wary of any type B functions. For any one that does return something you must either assign it to a variable, feed it into a pipeline, or... make it go away. (There are several ways to make it go away: pipe it to Out-Null, cast it to void, redirect it to $null, or assign it to $null. See Jason Archer’s Stack Overflow post that evaluates the performance of each of these flavors, suggesting you shy away from Out-Null.)

Yes, this approach takes more effort, but you get a more robust solution by doing so. For a bit more discussion on this very issue, these A/B functions, etc. see Question 1 on A Plethora of PowerShell Pitfalls recently published on

Worth mentioning:

Any unmanaged command output inside your function will end up as a return value.

I use to get this trouble with a function managing XML content:

Function Add-Node(NodeName){
    $NewXmlNode = $Xml.createElement("Item")
    $Xml.Items.appendChild($NewXmlNode) | out-null

If you remove the Out-Null, the return of your function will be the Node basic properties... (You can also manage the exit code of the appendChild command ... it depends on the motivation) :)

