How to retain listener on custom dialog opened from fragment?

I ran through all of the options on the discussed links and none of the solutions ended up working for me. I also tried a number of additional options after further googling like get/setTargetFragment, and FragmentManager.put/getFragment. These didn't work for me either. Then I took another look at:

Where they specifically say "Two Fragments should never communicate directly". I think this is one of the cases where that's really proven true.

I ended up implementing the suggested callback mechanism provided there and ended up with this:

In DialogFragment:

public interface OnEditStepDialogListener {
    public void onEditStepDialogPositive(int pos, String description);

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {

    try {
        mCallback = (OnEditStepDialogListener) activity;
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString() + " must implement OnEditStepDialogListener");

In hosting Activity:

public class MyActivity extends SherlockFragmentActivity implements EditStepFragmentDialog.OnEditStepDialogListener {


public void onEditStepDialogPositive(int pos, String desc) {
    FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
    RecipeDetailEditFragment ef = (RecipeDetailEditFragment)fm.findFragmentByTag(RecipeDetailEditFragment.TAG);

    ef.applyStepEdit(pos, desc);

In Fragment that fires off the FragmentDialog:

public static final String TAG = "tag1";

public void applyStepEdit(int pos, String description) {

This works perfectly, if opened then orientation change and edit is completed, it actually triggers the ultimate function I need run in the calling Fragment instead of either crashing or not doing anything (null listener).