How to resolve promises when using app with REPL

There are userland packages that implement this, for example and

Update: Node.js now does this by default and resolves promises

Old answer:

You can't resolve them proper - but you can extract their references to the global scope:

> Transaction.where('reference', '1').fetch().then((res) => out = res)
[Object Promise]
> out
  /* your data outputted here since the global was assigned to*/

We might allow await in the REPL in the future in Node which would solve the issue more cleanly.

Just setting a global return value may (and often will) show wrong results if not waiting for the promise fulfillment.

To ensure the user have a fulfilled promise you may provide your own evaluator to the repl server:

// sample-repl.js
const repl=require('repl');
function replEvalPromise(cmd,ctx,filename,cb) {
  let result=eval(cmd);
  if (result instanceof Promise) {
    return result
  return cb(null, result);
repl.start({ prompt: 'promise-aware> ', eval: replEvalPromise });

Such REPL only returns control to the user after the promise got resolved:

$ node sample-repl.js
promise-aware> new Promise(resolve=>setTimeout(()=>resolve('Finished!'),5000));
promise-aware> out = new Promise(resolve=>setTimeout(()=>resolve('Finished!'),5000));
promise-aware> out

Note as it sets the proper global return variable with the resolved value.

The standard node REPL works like that instead:

> out = new Promise(resolve=>setTimeout(()=>resolve('Finished!'),5000));
Promise { <pending> }
> out
Promise { <pending> }
> out
Promise { <pending> }
> out
Promise { <pending> }
> out
Promise { 'Finished!' }