How to resolve error when trying to open Windows Display Settings?

I uninstalled IE developer channel and it started working for me

You can fix it by editing the registry.

  1. Type Win+R, then regedit

  2. Browse to key: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\ms-settings

  3. Make sure you have this:

    |    Name      |  Type  |      Data       |
    | (Default)    | REG_SZ | URL:ms-settings |
    | URL Protocol | REG_SZ |                 |

If not:

  • remove all sub-keys below ms-settings.
  • remove all other values in ms-settings.
  • add missing values (right-click, new "String Value")

Works for Windows 10 (1803). May work for other versions too.

The result should look like this: What you must get