How to reset luigi task status?

First a comment: Luigi tasks are idempotent. if you run a task with the same parameter values, no matter how many times you run it, it must always return the same outputs. So it doesn't make sense to run it more than once. This makes Luigi powerful: if you have a big task that makes a lot of things an takes a lot of time and it fails somewhere, you'll have to run it again from the beginning. If you split it into smaller tasks, run it and it fails, you'll only have to run the rest of the tasks in the pipeline.

When you run a task Luigi checks out the outputs of that task to see if they exist. If they don't, Luigi checks out the outputs of the tasks it depends on. If they exists, then it will only run the current task and generate the output Target. If the dependencies outputs doesn't exists, then it will run that tasks.

So, if you want to rerun a task you must delete its Target outputs. And if you want to rerun the whole pipeline you must delete all the outputs of all the tasks that tasks depends on in cascade.

There's an ongoing discussion in this issue in Luigi repository. Take a look at this comment since it will point you to some scripts for getting the output targets of a given task and removing them.

An improvement of @cangers BaseTask to raise an error if the target can't be removed.

class BaseTask(luigi.Task):
    force = luigi.BoolParameter(significant=False, default=False)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    if self.force is True:
        outputs = luigi.task.flatten(self.output())
        for out in outputs:
            if out.exists():
                except AttributeError:
                    raise NotImplementedError


I typically do this by overriding complete():

class BaseTask(luigi.Task):

    force = luigi.BoolParameter()

    def complete(self):
        outputs = luigi.task.flatten(self.output())
        for output in outputs:
            if self.force and output.exists():
        return all(map(lambda output: output.exists(), outputs))

class MyTask(BaseTask):
    def output(self):
        return luigi.LocalTarget("path/to/done/file.txt")

    def run(self):
        with self.output().open('w') as out_file:

When you run the task, the output file is created as expected. Upon instantiating the class with force=True, the output file will still exist until complete() is called.

task = MyTask()
# True

new_task = MyTask(force=True)
# True
# False
# False