How to replace double slash with single slash for an url

String to = from.replaceAll("(?<!(http:|https:))[//]+", "/");

will match two or more slashes.

Is Regex the right approach?

In case you wanted this solution as part of an exercise to improve your regex skills, then fine. But what is it that you're really trying to achieve? You're probably trying to normalize a URL. Replacing // with / is one aspect of normalizing a URL. But what about other aspects, like removing redundant ./ and collapsing ../ with their parent directories? What about different protocols? What about ///? What about the // at the start? What about /// at the start in case of file:///?

If you want to write a generic, reusable piece of code, using a regular expression is probably not the best appraoch. And it's reinventing the wheel. Instead, consider


String inputUrl = "http://localhost:1234//foo//bar//buzz";
String normalizedUrl = new URI(inputUrl).normalize().toString();

URL inputUrl = new URL("http://localhost:1234//foo//bar//buzz");
URL normalizedUrl = inputUrl.toURI().normalize().toURL();

URI inputUri = new URI("http://localhost:1234//foo//bar//buzz");
URI normalizedUri = inputUri.normalize();


In case you do want to use a regular expression, think of all possibilities. What if, in future, this should also process other protocols, like https, file, ftp, fish, and so on? So, think again, and probably use URI.normalize(). But if you insist on a regular expression, maybe use this one:

String noramlizedUri = uri.replaceAll("(?<!\\w+:/?)//+", "/");

Compared to other solutions, this works with all URLs that look similar to HTTP URLs just with different protocols instead of http, like https, file, ftp and so on, and it will keep the triple-slash /// in case of file:///. But, unlike, this does not remove redundant ./, it does not collapse ../ with their parent directories, it does not other aspects of URL normalization that you and I might have forgotten about, and it will not be updated automatically with newer RFCs about URLs, URIs, and such.

To avoid replacing the first // in http:// use the following regex :

String to = from.replaceAll("(?<!http:)//", "/");

PS: if you want to handle https use (?<!(http:|https:))// instead.


