How to reparent a component in ReactNative?

The problem here is that on every state change your component will re-render webView object and will show the current date. I suggest that you change webView to a component and add a static key when you call WebViewComp to prevent unmount/mount on every state change.

const WebViewComp = () => ( //Change declaration to function component instead of constant object
        'data:text/html,<html><script>document.write("<h1 style=\\"font-size:64px\\">""<h1>");</script>',

export default class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    clicks: 0,

  onClick = () => {
    this.setState({ clicks: this.state.clicks + 1 });

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <Text style={styles.paragraph} onPress={this.onClick}>
          Click Me: {this.state.clicks}

        {this.state.clicks % 2 === 0 ? <WebViewComp key="child" /> : null}
        {this.state.clicks % 2 === 1 ? <WebViewComp key="child" /> : null}

You definitely need to reparenting the view. I searched some libs that work as React Portals does.

We have two projects available:



I tested the second package (rn-native-portals) and this magically worked on Android:

How to install

  1. npm install mfrachet/rn-native-portals

  2. react-native link (unfortunately we can't auto-link this yet, but we can submit PR)


Your target element needs to be inside <PortalOrigin>

import React from "react";
import { View, Text, TouchableOpacity } from "react-native";
import { PortalOrigin } from 'rn-native-portals';

class Target extends React.Component {
  state = {
    moveView: false,

  render() {
    return (
          style={{ flex: 1 }}
          onPress={() => this.setState({ moveView: !this.state.moveView })}
          <Text>Press Here</Text>

        <PortalOrigin destination={this.state.moveView ? 'destinationPortal' : null}>
            <Text>This text will appear on destination magically...</Text>

export default Target;

On destination use this (don't forget set the same unique portal's name)

import React from "react";
import { PortalDestination } from "rn-native-portals";

class Destination extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <PortalDestination name="destinationPortal" />

export default Destination;

This project is amazing, but definitely need our community help to create a better documentation.

I have one project that need to use this feature, reparenting a video to the outside of screen. I'm seriously considering PR auto-link support to avoid compiling warnings.

More useful info about:

  • The project concept:

  • Why the project was created (long history):