How to render a partial view asynchronously

First of all you need to use Html.Partial as suggested by @buffjape. If your partial view is not in Shared folder you need to specify the path to the view

@Html.Partial("~/Views/Common/FooterLatestBlogPosts", yourModel)

However in this case your view is still loaded synchronously. To load it in async way you need to load it via jQuery. Article Improve perceived performance of ASP.NET MVC websites with asynchronous partial views gives a very good description on how to achieve it.

Also replace your Html.Render with

     $("#yourContainer").load('@Url.Action("FooterLatestBlogPosts", "Common")')

I went with the answer in the post that @buffjape suggested:

Async PartialView causes "HttpServerUtility.Execute blocked..." exception

I changed my methods all to synchronous.