How to removeEventListener that is addEventListener with anonymous function?

You could also do this like that:

const ownAddEventListener = (scope, type, handler, capture) => {
  scope.addEventListener(type, handler, capture);
  return () => {
    scope.removeEventListener(type, handler, capture);    

Then you can remove the event listener like this:

// Add event listener
const disposer = ownAddEventListener(document.body, 'scroll', () => { 
  // do something
}, false);

// Remove event listener

if you dont have to support IE, you can use the once option

[Element].addEventListener('click', () => {...}, {
  capture: false,
  once: true

You can't. You have to use a named function or store the reference somehow.

var handler;

function doSomethingWith(param) {
    handler = function(){
    document.body.addEventListener('scroll', handler,false);
setTimeout(function() {
     document.body.removeEventListener('scroll', handler ,false);
}, 3000);

The best would be to do this in a structured way, so that you can identify different handlers and remove them. In the example above, you obviously could only remove the last handler.


You could create your own handler handler (:)) :

var Handler = (function(){
    var i = 1,
        listeners = {};

    return {
        addListener: function(element, event, handler, capture) {
            element.addEventListener(event, handler, capture);
            listeners[i] = {element: element, 
                             event: event, 
                             handler: handler, 
                             capture: capture};
            return i++;
        removeListener: function(id) {
            if(id in listeners) {
                var h = listeners[id];
                h.element.removeEventListener(h.event, h.handler, h.capture);
                delete listeners[id];

Then you can use it with:

function doSomethingWith(param) {
    return Handler.addListener(document.body, 'scroll', function() {
    }, false);

var handler = doSomethingWith('Test. ');

setTimeout(function() {
}, 3000);


You can't, you need a reference to the function:

function doSomethingWith(param) {
   var fn = function(){ document.write(param); };
   document.body.addEventListener('scroll', fn, false);
   setTimeout(function(){ document.body.removeEventListener('scroll', fn, false); }, 3000);
doSomethingWith('Test. ');