How to remove 'Sublime Text 3' from Ubuntu 14.04; installed with the instructions on

  1. Search for Software Center in the Dash.

    enter image description here

  2. In the Software Center search for sublime, then click on "Sublime Text".

    enter image description here

  3. Click on "Remove" then enter your password and click "Authenticate".

    enter image description here

How did you install it?

  • If you installed it from a package (downloading a .deb, adding a PPA and using apt-get install ..., or searching the Software Centre) then the approaches using apt-get remove, dpkg -r, Synaptic or the Software Centre will all do the same thing.

  • If you downloaded an archive, extracted it somewhere and then manually created launchers, use the command line approach that has you delete those things.

If you did something else then you need to ignore all the given advice and work out the opposite of your taken approach.

FWIW, what you're describing sounds like you just need to run:

sudo apt-get remove sublime-text

sudo apt-get remove sublime-text-installer

This command will completely remove the utility program from ubuntu. My recommendation is to this command.