How to remove figure caption prefix "figure" in beamer

Renew caption template





No need to load any other packages. You may even add some fancy stuff like a

\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=.5\paperwidth, sep=.2ex]{block body}\insertcaption%

Which basically gives you a colored box around the caption (when a color-theme is used).

You can use :


if you want to switch back the parameter to its default value, for example if you want the change to be only local.

You can use the caption package:


\captionsetup[figure]{labelformat=empty}% redefines the caption setup of the figures environment in the beamer class.



enter image description here

Notice that since I am only redefining the caption style for figures the rest are left intact as defined by the beamer class.

The solution is very simple. Just put the caption below the \includegraphics... command with a double left slash. You don't need to use the caption command, only if you need to number figures, which is note very common in a presentation:

\\ <your caption here>