how to remove duplicate contact from contact list in android

This is worked form me

private void getContactDetails(ContentResolver contentResolver) {

        Cursor phones = contentResolver.query(
                ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, null, null,
                null, null);
        HashSet<String> mobileNoSet = new HashSet<String>();

        while (phones.moveToNext()) {
            String name = phones
            String phoneNumber = phones
            String email = phones
            String imagUri = phones
            long id = phones.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts._ID);

            if (!mobileNoSet.contains(phoneNumber)) {
                arrayContacts.add(new Contact(name, phoneNumber, email,
                        imagUri, id));

        adapterContact = new AdapterContact(getActivity(), arrayContacts);

You should modify your ContactsEntityBean like below

public class ContactsEntityBean {
    private HashSet<String> emails = new HashSet<String>(); 

    public void setEmail(String email) {
        if (email == null)

    public HashSet<String> getEmails() {
        return this.emails; 

Will care about duplicate emails... you can use same logic for addresses, phones etc.

Replace your ContactsEntityBean with below code

public class ContactsEntityBean {
    private HashSet<String> emails;
    private HashSet<String> phones;
    private HashSet<String> addresses;
    private String contactId;
    private boolean checked = false;

    public ContactsEntityBean() {
        this.emails = new HashSet<String>();
        this.phones = new HashSet<String>();
        this.addresses = new HashSet<String>();

    public HashSet<String> getPhones() {
        return phones;

    public void setPhones(String phone) {
        if (phone == null)

    public HashSet<String> getAddresses() {
        return addresses;

    public void setAddresses(String address) {
        if (address == null)

    public void setEmails(String email) {
        if (email == null)

    public HashSet<String> getEmails() {
        return emails;

    public String getContactId() {
        return contactId;

    public void setContactId(String contactId) {
        this.contactId = contactId;

    public boolean isChecked() {
        return checked;

    public void setChecked(boolean checked) {
        this.checked = checked;

And no need to care about duplicates. this will care about all the things..