How to remove carriage return in a dataframe

The below code removes \n tab spaces, \n new line and \r carriage return and is great for condensing datum into one row. The answer was taken from

df.replace(to_replace=[r"\\t|\\n|\\r", "\t|\n|\r"], value=["",""], regex=True, inplace=<INPLACE>)

Another solution is use str.strip:

df['29'] = df['29'].str.strip(r'\\r')
print df
             id             29
0      location  Uttar Pradesh
1  country_name          India
2  total_deaths             20

If you want use replace, add r and one \:

print df.replace({r'\\r': ''}, regex=True)
             id             29
0      location  Uttar Pradesh
1  country_name          India
2  total_deaths             20

In replace you can define column for replacing like:

print df
               id               29
0        location  Uttar Pradesh\r
1    country_name            India
2  total_deaths\r               20

print df.replace({'29': {r'\\r': ''}}, regex=True)
               id             29
0        location  Uttar Pradesh
1    country_name          India
2  total_deaths\r             20

print df.replace({r'\\r': ''}, regex=True)
             id             29
0      location  Uttar Pradesh
1  country_name          India
2  total_deaths             20

EDIT by comment:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('data_source_test.csv')
print df
   id country_name           location  total_deaths
0   1        India          New Delhi           354
1   2        India         Tamil Nadu            48
2   3        India          Karnataka             0
3   4        India      Andra Pradesh            32
4   5        India              Assam           679
5   6        India             Kerala           128
6   7        India             Punjab             0
7   8        India      Mumbai, Thane             1
8   9        India  Uttar Pradesh\r\n            20
9  10        India             Orissa            69

print df.replace({r'\r\n': ''}, regex=True)
   id country_name       location  total_deaths
0   1        India      New Delhi           354
1   2        India     Tamil Nadu            48
2   3        India      Karnataka             0
3   4        India  Andra Pradesh            32
4   5        India          Assam           679
5   6        India         Kerala           128
6   7        India         Punjab             0
7   8        India  Mumbai, Thane             1
8   9        India  Uttar Pradesh            20
9  10        India         Orissa            69

If need replace only in column location:

df['location'] = df.location.str.replace(r'\r\n', '')
print df
   id country_name       location  total_deaths
0   1        India      New Delhi           354
1   2        India     Tamil Nadu            48
2   3        India      Karnataka             0
3   4        India  Andra Pradesh            32
4   5        India          Assam           679
5   6        India         Kerala           128
6   7        India         Punjab             0
7   8        India  Mumbai, Thane             1
8   9        India  Uttar Pradesh            20
9  10        India         Orissa            69

use str.replace, you need to escape the sequence so it treats it as a carriage return rather than the literal \r:

In [15]:
df['29'] = df['29'].str.replace(r'\\r','')

             id             29
0      location  Uttar Pradesh
1  country_name          India
2  total_deaths             20