How to refresh page after focus?

@Eamonn 's approach works good for chrome as mentioned by him.

For Firefox:

window.onblur= function() {window.onfocus= function () {location.reload(true)}};

Try this:

var blurred = false;
window.onblur = function() { blurred = true; };
window.onfocus = function() { blurred && (location.reload()); };

This only reloads the page if it has been hidden

I don't recommend binding to the window focus in jQuery, the Page will reload on pretty much every user action.


This heavily relies on the browser implementation of window.onfocus and window.onblur. Webkit may not support the onblur event (in my chromium it didn't) where firefox calls a blur if the page is hidden.

In my development environment I add this snippet of JS to a page - whenever the page becomes active after becoming inactive it reloads, so for example if you type in your text editor then click back onto your browser the page will reload once without an infinite loop. It also works when chaining active tab or active window within the same browser session.

window.onblur= function() {window.onfocus= function () {location.reload(true)}};

As stated above this does depend on browser implementation but works fine in chrome.