How to refresh list of the navigation drawer as soon as its open/closed in Android

Finally i have fixed this by using below code. I want to answer to this so that others can get the reference from this. @user3154663. May be this will help you to solve your problem:

public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    boolean drawerOpen = mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(mDrawerList);
    if (drawerOpen) {
        p1 = sharedPreferences.getString(Constant.USERS_POINTS, "");
        p2 = sharedPreferences.getString(Constant.LEVEL_ONE_POINTS,
        p3 = sharedPreferences.getString(Constant.LEVEL_TWO_POINTS,
        String pointText = " POINTS";
        dataList.add(2, new DrawerItem("MY POINTS ", p1 + pointText,
                Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK));
        dataList.add(3, new DrawerItem("REFERRALS POINTS LV1 ", p2
                + pointText, Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK));
        dataList.add(4, new DrawerItem("REFERRALS POINTS LV2 ", p3
                + pointText, Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK));

    return super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);

Calling of notifyDatasetChanged() still applies to ListView adapter, regardless of ListView parent. you have to reset the adapter using notifyDatasetChanged() in when your drawer is open and close and update the listview using setadapter.