Android - How to refresh a web page in Chrome (Ctrl+F5 analogue) on a device without menu button?

I found it !!!!!!

On the left side of the URL there is an info icon (i) or a lock icon. Click the icon and then [web site configuration].

You will find a trash icon to clear cache of the current site, and alternatively a "restore preferences" button.

Working on Android Chrome 71.

On my Samsung tablet browsing with Chrome, type this in the address bar:


That should trigger a hard reload using Javascript. Now I do not have to wait for days to observe results of a change of code I made. A new problem then is that typing on a tablet is not my favorite thing to do.

Instead of typing the above command I also tried to change to desktop mode and then back. That did not deep refresh.

I did not get any of these solutions to work. However I have found a working solution.

First, find out the css url. In my case it looked like this:


Write it in the address field, but also add a GET variable to it:


Hopefully the GET variable is accepted. Because it's a new url it forces the css to reload. Now go back to the site and the css should have been reloaded.