How to reference the result of reduce() operation in Java 8?

Note that if you're doing this not for self-education but to actually use it in some production code, you might want to consider the built-in Collectors.joining collector:

String result =
    // or
    //   .map(x -> x.toString())  // exactly the same
    // or
    //   .map(String::valueOf)    // handles nulls by turning them to the string "null"

It has several overloads, similar to Scala's mkString. Still, this collector only accepts CharSequences, so you need to convert your values to strings explicitly as a separate map step.

Additionally, there is the String.join method, which also works for a collection of CharSequences. If you specifically have one of those (e.g. List<String>), it might be more convenient to use this method rather than converting the collection to a stream first:

List<String> strings = ...;

String result = String.join(",", strings);

// vs

String result =","))

If I remember my java correctly, you can declare the argument type as Collection<?> to be able to pass a collection of any objects.

As to biting the separator off, I think, just .substring(1) will do what you want.